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12V trigger for ICEpower 1200AS2 and 2000AS2

More and more people are asking me how to implement 12V triggers to drive ICEpower1200AS2 and 2000AS2 boards or even more - make master-slave configurations out of 1200AS2.

In this video, I am summarizing key knowledge on how to do it. There are minimum electronic components needed to finish your product. 3.5mm TRS socket for 6.5mm hole (Standard) and two 10K resistors. I also included instructions on how to set 1200AS2 in master mode to drive 200AS2, another great and cost-effective ICEpower board.

For those who are making projects with a 1200AS2 fantastic board, my company is providing an assembled kit with a built-in PWM temperature-managed silent fan. The kit comes with assembled connectors but without a board.

Prices are available on my webshop

ICEpower 1200AS2boards are available in retail for some time. Icepower1200AS2 designer manual you can download from my website here

or find on the internet. To find a 3.5 mm socket make a search with the keyword “trs 3.5mm chassis mounted socket” and you will find it. For small parts including a 3.5 mm TRS socket, there is a good Poland-based catalog where to search for small parts in small volumes for EU customers

It does not make sense to provide links to components because those are valid for a short period. It is better to use a search function inside the catalog. eBay is a good alternative to search for components. Looking for the boards – there is one reliable shop SoundImport where I am purchasing samples. In small volumes, those are cheaper than purchasing directly from the manufacturer

00:00:00 Introduction

00:00:45 Download manual

00:01:48 Standby input

00:03:15 Control input designer notes

00:03:53 12v socket

00:05:17 Setting in stand-by mode

00:06:25 TCR1200

00:06:53 ICEpower 1200 AS2 Trigger input

00:09:35 Status output

00:10:38 Master-slave configuration

00:12:34 Grounding notes for 12V trigger

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