Part three. ICE power class boards lineup overview. In this video, we will look at the almost complete integrated class d boards lineup, make product positioning. Take a closer look at selected boards specifications, usage scenarios, and functionality. As well as take an in-depth look at ICEpower Flagship class D board 1200ASX1/2 and implementation scenarios.
Dear channel listeners. I made two versions of the stories. One with my voice-over and the second with Artificial Intelligence synthesized voice. AI evolution is unbelievable and his English is perfect. probably too perfect, but anyway. It is the moment when I am learning from him.
For example, I found that I am pronouncing the word “Chassis’ in a completely wrong way. AI is evolving and will be part of our life in nearest future. I need your assistance to get statistics and evaluate the quality of AI. English is not my native language, following I do have a hard accent and bad spelling.
Could you please listen to both versions and give your judgment in the comments. I would appreciate it if you add some explanations as well. It is your choice in which version to write the comment.
Instructions on how to evaluate: Switch off subtitles. Listen to a video till the moment when you do not hear the speaker's accent and the story is taking over.
Give the following information
• English native, not native,
• Which version Do you prefer: humans with imperfections or Perfect AI.
• How easy is to flow the story: AI 10 from 10, Human non-native English 7 from 10
• A short explanation or comment. Example
• English – not native, Poland.
• Preferences Human
• Points- Human 9 p, AI 7 p
• Human emotions, even with an accent, creating extra trust.
It is equally easy to follow the story in both versions. But I am impressed with AI voice-over quality.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:08 ICEpower history
00:03:01 ICEpower ASX2 series
00:05:03 ICEpower AS series
00:06:35 Aplication secenarios
00:07:53 ICEpower ASP series
00:09:52 Best for DIY projects
00:11:51 ICEpower 1200AS2 detailed overview
00:14:57 Application examples
00:15:17 Application examples DIY
00:16:05 Summary.