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TCR200 ICEpower200AS2 DIY kit assembling instructions

Updated: Jul 11, 2022

The complete guide on how to build amazing performance small footprint audio amplifier without excessive electronic knowledge using the TCR200 DIY kit.

The TCR200 DIY kit has been developed for a second-generation ICEpower200AS2 Class d audio amplifier board. For some time those boards are available in the retail and DIY community can develop incredible quality audio amplifiers by themselves.

One of the proven ICE power products resellers in the EU is the company Sound Imports For the US market check, Part-express

Availability is continuously changing and you should verify the stock level before placing orders. For TCR200 Kits availability check the TCRASTRS website or search on eBay.

00:00:00 Introduction

00:00:58 ICE power second-generation boards

00:02:07 ICE power200AS2 specifications

00:02:43 TCR200 DIY kit overview

00:05:05 ICE power200AS2 designer manual

00:06:40 Ice power200AS2 connectors and pins legend

00:06:40 TCR200 DIY kit assembling instructions - unpacking

00:09:10 TCR200 DIY kit assembling instructions - accessories

00:10:51 TCR200 DIY kit assembling instructions - securing the board

00:14:15 TCR200 DIY kit assembling instructions-connecting connectors

00:18:43 TCR200 DIY kit assembling instructions-setting up audio system

00:20:07 TCR200 DIY kit assembling instructions-going live

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